Wednesday, January 27, 2016

First draft of 1st speech

I’m stuck in an elevator in Washington DC with Angelina Jolie, for a board meeting, and my goal is to convince her that she should promote the Jane Goodall institute to promote making a change in the Environment rather than just being a part of the international Board.
My name is Jesus Terrazas, I am also a part of Jane Goodall institute but I represent the NYLC which represents the youth making a change in their own communities for people, animals and the environment.

 I have bene part of the organization for 3 years now and I have seen the change the institute has gone to improve marketing but there is more that could be done

Give examples: …


Sunday, January 24, 2016

About Me

Hello everyone my name is Jesus Terrazas. I am 20 years old and a Santa Barbara local. While I was not actually born in Santa Barbara I have lived here my whole life so I consider myself from here. I am currently in my second year at Santa Barbara City College Looking to transfer into UCSB, as a Communications major. I was originally a business major but I just wanted to finish school as soon as possible and start working so I switched to come to finish faster and have in minor in Business. I love to travel my most recent trip was to the East Coast and Canada during this winter break.