Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2nd speech rough draft

Car Sales Speech 

If a person walks in I have to greet them rite away or another salesman would 
  • beat the pother sales person in rock paper scissors 
  • be on the look out

First I would greet the customer when they come on to the lot, 
  • wait a minute or two when they come in to not annoy them 
  • come out with huge cheesy smile and open hands 
  • high pitch voice to say welcome 
  • offer coffee or water 
next I ask a brief of questions like if they are trading in a car or replacing or just adding, then after all that I tell them to look at a couple of cars and my goal is to find things that they liked from there previous car that I could use to show that this car here has all those things you love plus more.
  • step back and let them look at cars and just when there  is an argument step in so they keep looking for more instead of fighting and leaving but don't choose a side
  • agree to what they say 
  • listen or pretend to 
  •  ask questions like what did you like from your previous car that you would like in your next car?
when they cant decide i give them options  for examples
  •   they like comfort and sportiness, then I say the Mustang seat is very comfortable new lumbar support and new bucket seats for a better ride and to keep you in your seat just in case you do any racing haha, sportiness I mean it's a Mustang, this car is build for going fast, but also to be safe, and around there I would turn on the 5.0 v8 Mustang. 
  • or if its a family i tell them about the SUV that has great gas mileage, safest vehicle, economical, and it simply looks good for them.  

Now they love the car but they hate me because im selling it
  •  we go inside show them numbers and they say, price to high,
  • i say its a best offer 
  • they say they found a better deal somehwere else or  I have to leave, I have to talk to my husband, stiff like that, 
  • let's say price to high well this is the car you picked we can look at another one a bit cheaper if this is a bit over budget,
  •  but typically they will say, wait, well maybe we can work a number,
  •  and that's when I say ok, well you told me that you wanted to get as close to $400 as possible for monthly payment, if I can find some crazy way to get you to that number you would buy by his car today??
  •  wait wait wait wait, they say yes, 
 this is were the fun starts 
  • ok great give me on sec, leave talk to manager
  • i dont tell manager anything but just leave and pretend like i am talking to him 
  •  go back, and with excitement i say great news I was able to save you something something amount of dollars, I got you a 430 payment
  • they're excited because they think they got a deal 
  • smile and stick my hand out and we're done. 
then i pass it over to finance
  • present them like they are the most amazing people 
  • Finance gets them and they sign and finance tryst to sell some stuff to them,
  • they buy something a warranty or something. 
Finally I present their car to them clean wasted waxed gassed up ready to go, show a bit of the technology and they're good. 
wave good bye to them in longest smile 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

start stop continue on 1st speech

My overall thought analysis of my presentation was it definitely needed improvement. While it was not a horrible presentation I could have still done a better job in many aspects. I also felt that in some parts of my speech I did well but got a low grade for it. Then for other parts where I personally thought I needed more improvement on, were actually given higher points than I thought I should have earned.  

·         I need to include more gestures in my presentations rather than being still in a single spot. This includes my body language of standing straight but being more active.
·         Paying more attention to time. I was so concentrated on getting my speech done I did not pay attention to the time and meeting the requirement.
·         Pace of speech and speaking to meet the time and make the presentation pleasing.
·         I need to start making more eye contact with the audience while it was a bit nerve wrecking to look at people while you presented I still need to focus on my audience and give the presentation to them rather that floor.
·         I need to change my voice throughout the speech. I used the same tone throughout this one and having different sounds and tone would make it more exciting.
·         Add more energy to the speech while I did get a high in points for passion in the material because it was something I enjoy, my energy from sharing was weak.
·         I need to practice more and know my lines better. While I did practice throughout the weekend it seemed as I was very off.
·         I need to be more confident when presenting. I was nervous and it was noticeable. By being confident I feel better and will perform better as well.
·         I need to increase the use of hand gestures throughout my speech and continue to practice hand gestures as well, I was holding my hands and while I did move them it was not in accordance to my speech but to cover my anxiety.
·         While I thought I had a good transition of words and my speech flowed I did not get a high score so I should improve on the language I use to make it more clear of what I want to say in my speech.
·         I should relax more before I present and feel comfortable.
·         I should meet all the guides on the rubric to have an effective presentation. I missed the follow plan and affected my speech.
·         I should make sure I don’t stutter that way my points can be heard because while I thought I had a clear opposing perspective and one that was believable and likely to happen as well with a clear rebuttal I still got a low grade for it.
·         Consider adapting language to audience and more changing of voice to make it interesting.
·         I should probably add more description to the thing I say as clarity again is an issue as I thought I was clear in saying why I was in the elevator by talking about the board meeting.
·         Make more pause in my speech as I was rushing I forgot to give the full explanation that gave me credibility to be talking with my person. Although I had practiced and was a great explanation why I was the perfect person to talk to I was not clear because I rushed and did not pause.

·         I need to stop Using “UHM”!! This is a big one as I used it several times throughout my presentation and disrupted it from having it flow.
·         I need to stop being so still and not having any body gestures. This was something I actually did agree on the rubric.
·         I need to stop rushing my speech. While I got a really good grade on the rubric for that part I felt I did not do so well on it. I actually felt I went to fast that my listeners could not understand what I was saying. This also caused me to not meet the time requirement because I was going so fast.
·         I need to stop relying on my notecard. While I had practiced several times before I felt I was looking at my note card more than I should have. Oddly enough I got graded that I did well in that part although I personally felt that I hadn’t.  
·         I need to stop leaving out parts of my speech, especially parts that I have practiced.
·         I need to stop being dull in my tone of voice
·         I need to stop getting a wave of anxiety prior to going up to do my speech. I was shaking while I was sitting down in the class room waiting for my name to be called and then not knowing when I was going to present made my anxiety worse. If I knew when I was going to present I would have been calmer but not knowing made it worse.
·         Stop being so nervous.

·         I had a loud voice that my audience could hear what I was saying this was good.
·         I should continue to put an emphasizes on certain words that way it lets my audience know I want them to know that was an important part of my speech.
·         I should continue to have my hands were they were in front of me. Some people had them in their pockets like they didn’t care. Being engaged means having them out. I could also put them behind me in a professional way.
·         I should continue in making my presentations clear. My objective and purpose was clear, while I did not meet other expectation this was something that was clear.
·         I should continue to adapt my language to the audience I am presenting to. While this presentation was easier because I was sharing with classmates I didn’t change much but I should consider it for other times.

·         I should continue being prepared for my speeches by doing the background research on the subject I was presenting. While I did know part of it already I still researched more on it to make sure I was prepared for question especially on the person I was planning on talking about.