My overall thought analysis of my presentation was it definitely
needed improvement. While it was not a horrible presentation I could have still
done a better job in many aspects. I also felt that in some parts of my speech I
did well but got a low grade for it. Then for other parts where I personally thought
I needed more improvement on, were actually given higher points than I thought I
should have earned.
I need to include more gestures in my presentations
rather than being still in a single spot. This includes my body language of
standing straight but being more active.
Paying more attention to time. I was so
concentrated on getting my speech done I did not pay attention to the time and
meeting the requirement.
Pace of speech and speaking to meet the
time and make the presentation pleasing.
I need to start making more eye contact
with the audience while it was a bit nerve wrecking to look at people while you
presented I still need to focus on my audience and give the presentation to
them rather that floor.
I need to change my voice throughout the speech.
I used the same tone throughout this one and having different sounds and tone
would make it more exciting.
Add more energy to the speech while I did
get a high in points for passion in the material because it was something I enjoy,
my energy from sharing was weak.
I need to practice more and know my lines
better. While I did practice throughout the weekend it seemed as I was very off.
I need to be more confident when
presenting. I was nervous and it was noticeable. By being confident I feel
better and will perform better as well.
I need to increase the use of hand
gestures throughout my speech and continue to practice hand gestures as well, I
was holding my hands and while I did move them it was not in accordance to my speech
but to cover my anxiety.
While I thought I had a good transition of
words and my speech flowed I did not get a high score so I should improve on
the language I use to make it more clear of what I want to say in my speech.
I should relax more before I present and
feel comfortable.
I should meet all the guides on the rubric
to have an effective presentation. I missed the follow plan and affected my speech.
I should make sure I don’t stutter that
way my points can be heard because while I thought I had a clear opposing
perspective and one that was believable and likely to happen as well with a
clear rebuttal I still got a low grade for it.
Consider adapting language to audience and
more changing of voice to make it interesting.
I should probably add more description to
the thing I say as clarity again is an issue as I thought I was clear in saying
why I was in the elevator by talking about the board meeting.
Make more pause in my speech as I was
rushing I forgot to give the full explanation that gave me credibility to be
talking with my person. Although I had practiced and was a great explanation why
I was the perfect person to talk to I was not clear because I rushed and did
not pause.
I need to stop Using “UHM”!! This is a big
one as I used it several times throughout my presentation and disrupted it from
having it flow.
I need to stop being so still and not
having any body gestures. This was something I actually did agree on the
I need to stop rushing my speech. While I got
a really good grade on the rubric for that part I felt I did not do so well on
it. I actually felt I went to fast that my listeners could not understand what I
was saying. This also caused me to not meet the time requirement because I was
going so fast.
I need to stop relying on my notecard. While
I had practiced several times before I felt I was looking at my note card more
than I should have. Oddly enough I got graded that I did well in that part
although I personally felt that I hadn’t.
I need to stop leaving out parts of my
speech, especially parts that I have practiced.
I need to stop being dull in my tone of
I need to stop getting a wave of anxiety
prior to going up to do my speech. I was shaking while I was sitting down in
the class room waiting for my name to be called and then not knowing when I was
going to present made my anxiety worse. If I knew when I was going to present I
would have been calmer but not knowing made it worse.
Stop being so nervous.
I had a loud voice that my audience could
hear what I was saying this was good.
I should continue to put an emphasizes on
certain words that way it lets my audience know I want them to know that was an
important part of my speech.
I should continue to have my hands were
they were in front of me. Some people had them in their pockets like they didn’t
care. Being engaged means having them out. I could also put them behind me in a
professional way.
I should continue in making my
presentations clear. My objective and purpose was clear, while I did not meet
other expectation this was something that was clear.
I should continue to adapt my language to
the audience I am presenting to. While this presentation was easier because I was
sharing with classmates I didn’t change much but I should consider it for other
I should continue being prepared for my speeches
by doing the background research on the subject I was presenting. While I did
know part of it already I still researched more on it to make sure I was
prepared for question especially on the person I was planning on talking about.
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