Wednesday, March 16, 2016

radical speech

For speech #3 the radical idea that I’ll be presenting on is self-euthanasia. I’m going to persuade the audience that one should be   to kill themselves or be able to decide when they want to die weather it’s because of depression sickness, disease pain or other matter.

·         Still other possibilities as your young and medicine can improve and save their lives.
·         It is illegal to kill oneself.
·         It is considered murder if doctor gives the dosage.
·         It is actually the doctors’ professional commitment as healers to care for patients and protect life, not to take it away
·         Euthanasia is the act of causing death or depriving the life of a human being. The wrongness in killing is that people have a moral right not to be killed.
·         taking their right away especially when there are so many other options available
·         US spend significantly more on health care than any other nation this could mean there is hope
Why it should be acceptable
·         Avoid great suffering and Maintain one’s dignity, while insuring others remember us as we wish them to
·         When life is no longer considered a benefit by the patient
·         No more use of respirator to breathe, and needing a caregiver to be able to eat, and help with other basic life needs.
·         Causes more suffering as family and friends have to make time to take care of them, and meet their needs.
·         There is also the factor of expenses to take into consideration. hospital charges thousands of dollars alone to be hooked onto a respirator
·         The insurance scenario makes perfect sense; as we buy insurance just in case our house burns down. We don’t want our house to burn down, nor do we want to be in this situation of wanting death, but making it legal makes it an option if we ever come across this situation.
·         Doctor already practice that when they disconnect a patient from life support therefore it should be allowed
·         Unnecessary surgery results in 12,000 deaths.
·         Iatrogenic deaths (those resulting from treatment by physicians or surgeons) are the third leading cause of mortality in the United States, resulting in the loss of 225,000 lives per year. 

People should be able to decide if they want to live or not without anyone judging. If they are able to do so they can take lethal injections.
This is good as it if people less traffic. Less expenses on health care. Less people at Disneyland lines that are horrible already.
There is no medicine to get you through certain pain this would eliminate all suffering.

If the person choosing to die administers the dosage the doctor cannot get charged for murder. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

2nd analysis

My overall thought analysis of my presentation was it that it was better than my previous presentation but still needs improvement in certain areas. Compared to the first presentation I feel I did better. While some parts on the rubric show I need to improve I still feel I have progressed on them compared to my first presentation.

·         I need to start memorizing my speeches. Keep rehersing until I fully know it and do not have to rely on notes or presentations.
·         I need to practice more on presenting and keeping track of time. Practice to someone or in front of a mirror so I feel like it’s the real thing. Put a timer so I know I’m on track.
·         I need to feel confident when I present.
·         I need to move around during my presentation like I I was telling a story. For this speech I could have impersonated a car salesman walk to greet someone or when they leave.  
·         Paying more attention to time. I was so concentrated on getting my speech done I did not pay attention to the time and went over so I did not actually finish it correctly and caused me to missed an important part.
·         I need to explicitly say what I will talk about before I present it that way I have a path to follow.
·         I need to start making more eye contact with the audience while it was a bit nerve wrecking to look at people while you presented I still need to focus on my audience and give the presentation to them rather that floor. While I improved on not looking at the floor I was looking at the monitor instead of my audience and lost points there.
·         I need to change my voice throughout the speech. I used the same tone throughout this one and having different sounds and tone would make it more exciting.  I could have done the high pitched welcome I talked about.
·         I need to control my hands I was playing with them while I presented to relax but that made me look more nervous and unprofessional.  
·         I should meet all the guides on the rubric to have an effective presentation. I missed explicitly saying the “moves” of my speech which cost me points although I did present hem. By being organized I could have met this criteria.
·         I need to stop Using “UHM”!! This is a big one as I used it several times throughout my presentation and disrupted it from having it flow.
·         I need to stop being so still and not having any body language or engaging gestures that made the audience listen to me.  
·         I need to stop relying on the PowerPoint. While I had practiced several times before I felt I was looking at my monitor more than I should have.
·         I need to stop leaving out parts of my speech, especially parts that I have practiced.
·         I need to stop being dull in my tone of voice
·         I need to stop getting a wave of anxiety prior to going up to do my speech. However I think it really helped that I went first because I didn’t get as nervous as the last presentation waiting for everyone to present.
·         Stop being so nervous.

·         I improved in many aspects so I should continue to do that.
·         I had a loud voice that my audience could hear what I was saying this was good.
·         I should continue to put an emphasizes on certain words that way it lets my audience know I want them to know that was an important part of my speech.
·         I should continue in making my presentations clear. My objective and purpose was clear, while I did not meet other expectation this was something that was clear.
·         I should continue to adapt my language to the audience I am presenting to. While this presentation was easier because I was sharing with classmates I didn’t change much but I should consider it for other times.
·         I should continue being prepared for my speeches by doing the background research on the subject I was presenting. While I did know part of it already I still researched more on it to make sure.

Classmate’s moves
One move I enjoyed was Mackenzie she presented in a unique way by actually performing her presentation. Then went on to explain it. She has the same tone of voice which made it more realistic.

Canyon also did a great presentation he changed his tone in several occasions regarding what he was presenting. The video example was humorous and fit well into the concepts he presented about.