Wednesday, March 16, 2016

radical speech

For speech #3 the radical idea that I’ll be presenting on is self-euthanasia. I’m going to persuade the audience that one should be   to kill themselves or be able to decide when they want to die weather it’s because of depression sickness, disease pain or other matter.

·         Still other possibilities as your young and medicine can improve and save their lives.
·         It is illegal to kill oneself.
·         It is considered murder if doctor gives the dosage.
·         It is actually the doctors’ professional commitment as healers to care for patients and protect life, not to take it away
·         Euthanasia is the act of causing death or depriving the life of a human being. The wrongness in killing is that people have a moral right not to be killed.
·         taking their right away especially when there are so many other options available
·         US spend significantly more on health care than any other nation this could mean there is hope
Why it should be acceptable
·         Avoid great suffering and Maintain one’s dignity, while insuring others remember us as we wish them to
·         When life is no longer considered a benefit by the patient
·         No more use of respirator to breathe, and needing a caregiver to be able to eat, and help with other basic life needs.
·         Causes more suffering as family and friends have to make time to take care of them, and meet their needs.
·         There is also the factor of expenses to take into consideration. hospital charges thousands of dollars alone to be hooked onto a respirator
·         The insurance scenario makes perfect sense; as we buy insurance just in case our house burns down. We don’t want our house to burn down, nor do we want to be in this situation of wanting death, but making it legal makes it an option if we ever come across this situation.
·         Doctor already practice that when they disconnect a patient from life support therefore it should be allowed
·         Unnecessary surgery results in 12,000 deaths.
·         Iatrogenic deaths (those resulting from treatment by physicians or surgeons) are the third leading cause of mortality in the United States, resulting in the loss of 225,000 lives per year. 

People should be able to decide if they want to live or not without anyone judging. If they are able to do so they can take lethal injections.
This is good as it if people less traffic. Less expenses on health care. Less people at Disneyland lines that are horrible already.
There is no medicine to get you through certain pain this would eliminate all suffering.

If the person choosing to die administers the dosage the doctor cannot get charged for murder. 

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